Tape measure ht antenna MAR/APR 2021 23 Continues on following page. I have some solid uninsulated copper wire currently. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. . Take some wire, strip the plastic off an inch or so of one end. Its purpose is more for testing your radio, rather than for made from tape measure metal strips and which you can attach to your HT like you would a whip. Dipole Antennas made for a frequency should measure 1/2 of a Wavelength (typically seen as λ/2). 570 or Tape Measure Antennas. 1 users rated this 3 out of 5 stars 1. (15 to 20 feet) Ends of dipole were about 2 to 4 feet above ground. Reply reply If you look here, you can see the black and white painted tape measures that use solar radiative pressure to affect the attitude of the sat: Ah, the venerable measuring tape antenna. The skin depth of tape measure steel at VHF frequencies is just 2. 565, try tuning to 146. ARDF kits available from KE6HTS: WB2HOL Tape Measure Beam kit A Copper Tape Antenna for Two Meters Project by Steve Ford, WB8IMY Process Photos by Dino Papas, KLØS. I've seen people make tape measure yagis that work. Step 1 Using the hobby knife or scissors, cut two 15-inch strips of copper tape. Dovebar1; Sep 9, 2024; Build Your Own Antenna; Replies 3 Views 610. Download: free Website: makerworld. 3. Protecting The Ends On A Tape Measure Antenna; Four Element Two Meter Yagi; Four Element 70cm Yagi Antenna; Arrow Antenna Duplexer; Ham Clock On A Pi; HT Wireless Programmer; SDR Angel For stationary backpack operations I have a tape-measure dipole that can be extended to some approximate lengths for 10-20 meter operation. Tape measure yagi attachments . You may want to substitute copper coated wire or aluminum pieces for the tape measures in case you need to solder the counterpoise to the antenna base. You can find his design here. 0 reviews. The rubber duck antenna that comes with most HTs, or a good 1/4-wave high-gain whip antenna, is the positive side of the dipole. Get a good antenna for your HT . In order of antenna gain is your HT antenna (lowest gain), J-pole and then the Yagi beam. I remember making a 2 meter whip antenna out of a junked section of tape measure soldered into a pl-259 connector about 20 years ago when I got my license as a broke as heck highschooler, it They can either be flexible over the whole length, usually a fairly thin stainless-steel whip or a "tape measure" antenna; or they can have some sort of base-mounted spring or break mechanism that allows them to fold or hinge at the base. | Download free 3D printable STL models. Simply rotate the tape till the tab of the spring can be slid through the slot in the tape. I also use a Nelson roll-up on occasion and I’ve been super impressed with the Recently, the HFpack group measured the efficiency on 14MHz of a very similar tape measure antenna made by Cortland KA5S. Mind you I've seen some stock antennas on baofengs and the like that are simply broken from the factory. the tape completely out until you see the metal return spring to which it is attached. SMA FEMALE to PL-259 for Baofeng HT. Also included, and connected to the impedance matching device pictured above is an HF slant wire for regional NVIS comms while stationary. Also, when you're using the handheld antenna and catch the signal, twist it slightly left and then right. Wire antennas for the mid and lower HF bands. You can also utilize a method called "body fade" to attenuate the fox's signal. The antenna is useful (especially if you want a portable antenna for back packing etc. How To Build A 4 Element 70cm Tape Measure Yagi Antenna Parts Used To Make This Antenna 1/2 Inch PVC 4-Way Connector Qty: 3 1/2 Inch PVC Tee Qty: 1 Hey all. 2:1, VHF around 2:1. 00 backpack style yagi. It's like trying to hold a tape measure up in the air, just folds over with the slightest wind. The first step is to mount the long measuring tape, known as the reflector, across one of the PVC crosses. Free 137. It's one of the 2. 01/2012 issue of QST (pdf) Smiley 3-Band HT Antenna. 25-in. sorry working on a budget broke my ankle and cant work, im only 17. Maybe work someone on an HT on low power at a distance, to make sure that the directivity is good. Thanks. In this A Yagi antenna (such as the tape measure yagi designs) can work really well and give you some distance you might not get otherwise due to directional gain, but that won't help you much if you don't know where to point it. An RF attenuator is a device that goes between antenna and receiver to reduce the signal strength down to within the range that the receiver S-meter can That being said, I have one of these folding tape antennas and although the return loss may be great in the VHF air band (according to the video) it seems to work well for me on my tri-band Baofeng HT. Antennas include an AM-FM broadcast radio antenna, 1. Wouxun HT antenna (Don't know what model exactly) Good in UHF and decent in VHF: Diamond SRH771 (original) UHF SWR around 1. The tape measure yagi design I used used a hairpin/beta match. Reply reply The limitation with a HT is, near as I can tell, power output (usually 5w max) and height, not so much antenna design. used for an FM simplex contest this month and made some very impressive contacts using this extremely important is a good antenna. Acknowledgements This design was based on the ever-popular WB2HOL design and NT1K's thorough documentation. 58dB down from a wire dipole. Tape measure antennas like the Abbree seem to be popular because they look tactical, fold down out of the way, but can also spring up and become a very long self supporting antenna. Get it as soon as Tuesday, Jan 14. What HT are you typically using The ideal antenna is half of that for a dipole antenna. You have 2 printing options. The dual band (3x7 element) was $100 or you can get a single band for about $60. The quarter wavelength on 433MHz is 17cm. USING YOUR RUBBER DUCK ON THE HT • You can use your HT with its “rubber duck” antenna, and use ”body blocking” • It is better to have a receiver with a good signal strength meter • Pringlestm can or paper towel roll with foil over the antenna • Try tuning off the transmitter frequency by a small amount. Most of the RF current is limited to that thickness of quite resistive metal. I have seen a lot of videos regarding the tape measure yagi on YouTube, and I'm planning on constructing my own. Sched 40 PVC This is a flexible antenna able to withstand more 'roughness' than other antennas, all while boosting the signal of your radio significantly! Eextend the Range of your Communication. About 8ft. Here are some of Mike's observations: effective antenna can overload receiver input stage with too strong out of band signal and/or local RFI. I had issues where the solder joints on the tape measure for the DE would break. Simply hold your radio close to your chest (your body will block some/all of the signal from behind you), and then rotate your entire body i want to build a yagi antenna for ht 2m comsats. These will be used for the Driven element. I use a tape measure/PVC yagi. Connector typeSMA-Female,Gain:5. I’d be happy to repeat this with another HT (like a high quality Kenwood or Yaesu) or again on the Baofeng but with a different SWR and forward power meter. At first glance, tape measure antennas seem to have a lot going for them (just for clarification, most tape measure antennas use only the spring steel blade of a tape measure, not the case or As soon as I got my Technician’s license and my first radio (a Yaesu FT-70DR), I set out to build one of the VHF / UHF (2m / 70cm) tape measure Yagi antennas I had been reading about online. Kenwood standard HT antenna for TH-D72, TH-F7, TH-F6, etc. But I don't trust it because-- get this-- it's actually just two strips of measuring tape wrapped to make a bendable/foldable antenna. In the case of an HT whip, that is a monopole, only having one leg, and they mount on the radio without a coax feed line. Gets really better in VHF with a bigger ground / 50 cm tiger tail. 8. You'll find the sweet spot. Measuring 4. I am a new ham and I'm looking forward to building my first homebrew antenna. again with only a 5W HT. KE4PJM. Tags: abbree; diamond srh770s; very disappointing in a light breeze. 10000+ "yagi antenna holder" printable 3D Models. Disassembles fairly small, reassembles in seconds, weighs ounces. of wood lat board or 1/2 PVC pipe (I used 1 1/4in x 3/8in wood lat board):, any thing you have or can find that Number of antennas to build: 1 - 30' tape measure; 1 - 2' length of ½" PVC pipe; 1 - ½" PVC Tee piece; 2 - ½" PVC Cross pieces; 6 - 1½" hose clamps; 5" inches of 14awg wire; 1 - 50Ω BNC cables. So in some cases you need several identical stock Review Summary For : WB2HOL Tape Measure Beam; Reviews: 11 MSRP: < $10 of parts; Description: tape measure yagi 2m 3-element (RDF) The VSWR is very close to 1:1 and I can easily work repeaters which I could barely hear with just a I am trying to compose a list of HT antennas or any omni-directional antennas that can be attached to an HT for use while actively hiking/walking Support me here: https://www. 7ghz Helix antenna. 1920 "tape measure yagi" 3D Models. Reply reply [deleted] • The stock antenna measures better because -- ironically -- it's not as good of an antenna. Cost with shipping to the USA is just over US$200. HT is a Icom T2H with extension mic, on 1 watt 10000+ "tape measure antenna" printable 3D Models. The results were -3. 5 out of 5 stars 11 product ratings Expand: Ratings. STEP 4. 5 average based on 11 product ratings. order this print. Click to find the best Results for tape measure antenna Models for your 3D Printer. Make sure to center the tape on the cross. Reply reply I’m looking to eventualy make some satellite contacts with a DIY antenna but don’t know what plans to go with. For walk and talk, maybe a military "tape measure" style antenna or a long rubber duck with a tail and place your HT outside the backpack or very close to the outside and as high as possible. Add new Make. Tape Measure Yagi Antenna. Its frequency coverage is adjustable from 120-500 MHz. 5. Your HT arrived with a short stock antenna we sometimes call a rubber duck. A frequency characteristic chart and tape measure are included. $20. The antenna is useful (especially if you want a However the purpose of a handheld radio is to be portable and easy to use in your hand, and the floppy tape measure antenna is terrible for that. 0. add to list A J-pole antenna will likely fit within or near a window facing the repeater. either way im wondering whats best to build a decent size cheap yagi antenna. 0 is acceptable. Best 73, Rich, K0PIR. Materials About 3-4 ft. Follow Following. I am copying a design made by NT1K with a couple of changes. I did find that it works better on 220 folded, however. The antenna is known as a log periodic which is a little bit similar to a Yagi. 1 users rated this 4 out of 5 stars 1. This design exhibits a very clean pattern and is perfect for RDF use. adammelancon @adammelancon_206693 Follow Following. Today I made my first resonant HT antenna in the GMRS band, since it’s the shortest. A friend and I got to talking and wondered about adding to this. A dummy load has 1:1 SWR and This steal tape measure antenna is a dual band 2meter 440. Anyways, you can practice by using it to monitor the ISS crossband repeater, or the lengths of tape measure to 17 3/4 inches. 25" machine screws and nuts. Ever curious about HT antenna efficiency, we performed some EIRP testing of a Yaesu FT1D transceiver paired with several antennas including: A laboratory reference dipole tuned to 146 MHz, Stock FT1D antenna You really need to test HT antennas via field strength. Get it as soon as Friday, Dec 20. Free 120deg tape measure noaa satellite antenna. HT antenna: There are two ways you can go, as others in this thread have said there is the Build an inexpensive Tape-Measure Yagi antenna for foxhunting! (offsite link) Build a 70cm tape-measure antenna (to hunt Wheatley) Amateur Radio Direction Finding Presentation by Andrew Koenig, KE5GDB; A park foxhunt video using It sounds like the scientists who deployed these tape measure antennas fixed the box with the spool at one end, then they fixed the end of the tape measure to part of the satellite that expands, causing it to un-spool to the correct length on Of all things, my favorite HT antenna is a Nagoya NA-810. Figure 1—Making a replacement H-T antenna is relatively simple. Arrow Antenna Duplexer; Ham Clock On A Pi; HT Wireless Programmer; SDR Angel For DMR; Switch On Speaker; Load Freq To Yaesu; N1201SA SWR Analyzer; SSTV Info; Yaesu FTM-100DR Radio; How To. It can be used to communicate with amature radio satellites or to assist in getting into that 10000+ "baofeng antenna" printable 3D Models. Unscrew the antenna, and wrap the bare part of the wire around the outer portion of the connector. I had planned to try and hear the PO-101 satellite passover this afternoon. majoco. a HT antenna, and you can throw it up into the trees when needed. I carry the antenna in one hand and the radio in the other. The loss may have been due to RF flowing in the coiled tape measures, but the configuration was slightly different than yours. If that’s so, carefully trim the whip length in 1/16-inch increments It will be the Reflector element. HYS SMA Male Base Antenna, Dual Band VHF UHF 136-174/400-470MHz Tactical HT Antennas for 2m/70cm Yaesu FT-70DR FT-60R FT-2DR FT-270R TYT Wouxun Handheld Portable Radio 48. My abree 48" tacti-cool antenna is literally a tape measure with flexible heat shrink. 75m, or just under He asked about using an HT antenna on a mobile. its kinda crazy. if the “fox” frequency is 146. Pingback: The Tape Measure Yagi Antenna – KN4EZD. Yaesu standard HT antenna for FT1, FT2, FT3, etc. 1 reviews . Basic foxhunting equipment – Loop Antenna 12 • Directional “null” antenna Arrow Antennas – manufacturer of “fox” hunting antennas and gear 5. VSWR < 2. of 1/2 inch Sched PVC Pipe 1/2 in. It was connected directly to the connection on his HT and it worked pretty darned well. It trades a bit of forward gain in exchange for a very deep notch in the pattern This Instructable relates to the design & evaluation of a simple tape measure based 433 MHz 3 element Yagi antenna. I attach my mobilinkd TNC3 and ABREE to my UV-5R and It also saved my butt last year when my truck had a problem off-road in an area with no cell service. The trouble with HT antennas on SWR meters is that they are only half of the antenna (with the exception of some telescoping halfwave antennas). Not perfect as a molded part like that has cast to allow part to pop This is going to be a quick tutorial on how to build an inexpensive, but very effective Yagi Antenna for the 2m band. I do expect damage to it if I lit it up with 20 watts. This antenna is useful (especially if you want a portable antenna for backpacking, etc. Cut one length of tape measure to 35 1/8 inches. Drill a tiny hole through the tape measure and scuff away the paint. You can listen with basically any good HT antenna pointed perpendicular to it, just hold the squelch open. Not necessarily because the one antenna engineered for the radio sucks, but because I prefer an HT antenna that’s flexible. 98. As to antenna you want a yagi, plenty of DIY thats cheap as chips (it's a stick, some coax, and parts of a tape measure). 0dBi ; The AR-152A is an updated CS tactical antenna with more bending and better signal Completing another 4 element tape measure antenna, I decided to try and stack the two yagi antennas 1/2 wavelength apart and co-phase the two together. Does anyone have a pattern/photo Build a 2 Meter Vertical Antenna If your looking for high performance, I would build a yagi, I have a yagi tape-measure antenna (just google it ), and it works great, I can catch an AWOS so where it is intelligible from over 25 miles (through a big mountain range). Title: UVARC Shack Author: This antenna is suitable for both portable and home station use. For receive sure you can use the HT antenna with appropriate connectors, I wouldn't transmit. Look up "tape measure yagi" and Google will guide you. No related matches yet. Measure Beam (from the . I cannot remember where the original article is when I first made Tape Measure Antennas. HT's are for short range communications unless you can reach a repeater, pretty much. Once all of the parts have been obtained and cut to length, you’re just a few steps away from getting on the air. Free 1. Sorry if this has been posted before. Hearing the signal with antenna off is usually a "You are here!" indicator. simple ham radio mic preamp for a HT; tape measure fox hunting beam antenna for HAM radio; tape measure fox hunting beam antenna for HAM radio Building Materials: One 1 inch wide tape measure you are willing to cut up. But a dipole doesn’t require a ground plane, and can be used vertically. Your body is a reasonable counterpoise for the antenna, provided you're holding the radio, rather than having it in a pouch or something, and I would expect there to be diminishing returns to antennas. My only use case after playing with them is remote Winlink and APRS. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WJ6F, Mar 15, 2021. I'm unfamiliar with folding antennas for HT's. Electrically the antenna is optimised for all exploitation conditions (radio in hand, at the side, etc. I. 5decibite gain on it when hooked up to an HT for which I've used it with my ft60. There are plenty of plans online to build your own tape measure antenna, but no good step by step video that takes you through the process. The results using that will exceed an indoor omni directional antenna all day, every day. Acknowledgements This design was based Tape Measure Antennas. My dad and I have 50 ohm HT’s and are trying to design a UHF Yagi antenna with elements made from a tape measure. Follow: Normally with tape measure antennas they will be away from the radio and fed via coax. If the signal is strong enough, you can use shorter flex antennas. Have been able to access distance repeaters that I was unable to with the rubber duck antenna on the HT. So I geared my answer around it. • Handi-Talkie (HT) • Signal strength meter (RSSI) • The “tape measure” Yagi is a classic fox hunt antenna. 8-Inch ABBREE AR-152G Gooseneck Foldable CS Tactical Antenna SMA-Male VHF UHF 144/430Mhz for Yaesu TYT MD-380 Wouxun KG-UV8D 9D Plus Two Way Radio Hello all. Cut two lengths of tape measure to 17 3/4 inches. com One of the most fun amateur antenna projects is a PVC measuring tape antenna. After it split I Diy Tape Measure Yagi Antenna for Ham Radio: Today we are going to build a Yagi antenna designed for 2 meter and 70 cm ham radio bands. Protecting The Ends On A Tape Measure Antenna; Four Element Two Meter Yagi; Four Element 70cm Yagi Antenna; Arrow Antenna Duplexer; Ham Clock On A Pi; HT Wireless Programmer; SDR Angel For DMR; Switch On Speaker; Load Freq To Yaesu; N1201SA SWR Analyzer; SSTV Info; Yaesu FTM-100DR Radio; How To. They work well for little $$, but they require tweaking for best SWR and overall aren't durable. This type of antenna works well for direction finding in games like a fox hunt or when you need just a little more gain to hit My recent antennas are clampless. The other problem with HT antennas is you need an antenna for each band, or believe that your “dual band” antenna is actually a dual band. I've made both for manpack radios - springs store a lot of energy so the thing tends to whip back and forth Handle for tape measure yagi antenna used in amateur radio fox hunts. You have several possible options available from the various replies giving to you. EZNEC antenna Modeling Software FREE; J Pole Antennas; Antenna “Launchers” Pipe antennas; Antenna Polarization; DK7ZB Antenna page; Wire Antennas; Baluns: What, Where, Why, How; Basic electronics (EdsRadio) Tape Measure Yagi; Antenna Videos; Electronic Kits for fun and Radio related; Electronics DIY; Emergency Backup Power for your Shack I recently made a 2m yagi tape measure antenna out of 1/2 inch schedule 40 PVC pipe to listen to some satellites pass overhead. I would like to build a dualband 2m/70cm yagi to transmit from my HT and receive with a handheld scanner I have. I also use a roll up j pole sometimes. The spring will recoil into the case and the tape will be ready for trimming. 10000+ "satellite antenna" printable 3D Models. Making the antenna was pretty easy though and is a great project. Click to find the best Results for yagi antenna holder Models for your 3D Printer. ;-) Note: if you build one to receive ISS, be sure to check SWR before you TX through it. It's not the prettiest antenna ever, but it's sturdy. This is basically just a loop of wire bridging the two sides of the driven element (dipole). add to list. 4GHz antenna boom holder for Eachine 250 FPV Quadcopter Free Antenna rotator US$3. If I'm out using it, I unfold it. Measure and cut the four lengths you will need for this antenna (cutting chart I recently made a 2m yagi tape measure antenna out of 1/2 inch schedule 40 PVC pipe to listen to some satellites pass overhead. Put the antenna back on. The flexible measuring tapes make it easy to transport, and the PVC comes apart to make it even easier to carry. If I got my hands on a decent radio and antenna elements that can handle higher current, this might work better. Measuring Tape; Wire Snips; Wire Strippers; Wire Crimpers; Tools and Supplies Assembly. Free V Dipole antenna angler 120 degrees. This antenna may also be used for transmit with up to Joe Leggio WB2HOL Tape Measure Beam Optimized for Radio Direction Finding; Michael Martens’ 2 meter Tape Measure Yagi Beam Antenna; South Canadian Amateur Radio Society’s Tape Measure VHF/UHF Yagi Antenna; jcoman’s Tape Measure Antenna; The driven element pieces are connected both to each other with a wire folded into a hairpin shape. Report comment. I hear the Baofeng UV-5R will work and it's less expensive. order this The 14cm (3) was clearly the winner with the 11cm (2) unit coming in right behind. Do not remove the paper backing. 1 x Old tape measure 11 small screws Solder and 11cm of copper wire for loop Coax and plug for HT This antenna works exceptionally well, including RX/TX on 70cm. Building A 1/2 wave 2Meter HT Antenna. I notch out the plastic to make a cylinder out of the area where the tape lays. Once you have cut the tape measure to length, put vinyl tape on the cut ends to protect yourself from the sharp edges. Also, I'm going to try to get an image from a pass soon, are there any common mistakes I should watch out for? Connection detail. The indoor antennas should not be used with more than five to ten watts if people are nearby. K9GLS, Mar 17, 2021 #5. Here’s a great example, thanks to the photography of Michelle Carey W5MQC and the I've been VHF/UHF HT-ing since 2013. We’ve got calculators for most of the dimensions, but the last big step is determining the length of the hairpin match between the two halves of the driven element. It is recommended to get you antenna a 1/2 wavelength or more for efficiency but then take-off angle is important for range so sometimes a lower, less-efficient antenna sends a stronger signal to a particular area. Tape Measure Antenna – Hombrew DIY Cheap – KM6JUR. You may get something, but at best it'll be mostly noise. It wasn't easy to make the contacts. So i was just curious. The tape measure antenna is a "home brew" 2 meter antenna made out of PVC pipe and a steel tape measure. Kept the antenna but recently decided to take it apart to discover that actual tape measure was used. Getting Started with FM Satellites. Oct 3, 2024. Download Model. 1 - inexpensive tape measure (I used a 5/8 inch wide tape, but a 1 inch wide will be better) 4 feet coax cable with a connector on one end (UHF, BNC, SMA, etc. The problem with HT antennas is the lack of a good ground plane while using a vertical. They also work great for over-the-air digital TV Discontinued Amateur HT Antennas : The Diamond MAY1000 is a portable, two element, yagi beam antenna. ” 2. I already verified with some cuts of tape measure, as long as you Elk Antenna. Authentic Genuine Nagoya NA-320A Triband HT Antenna 2M-1. I quickly realized that it would be easier to mount my radio on the antenna for ease of handling. ) Intelligent search from Bing makes it easier to quickly find what you’re looking for and rewards you. The typical 3 element retractable tape measure antenna has a deep null on the back side for closer in work. 25M-70CM (144-220-440Mhz) Antenna SMA-Female for BTECH and BaoFeng Radios. Arrow makes a great directional for a decent price. I need to figure out how to get them circularly polarized, I need to find an old General. I ended up using the screws and crimped terminal rings on the coax tails. Mike Harvey says: January 7, 2018 at 19:46. Instead of one boom, It uses two booms which the elements that are attached to each boom are 180 degrees from the elements on the other boom. Determine the frequency you want. The fox hunt tape measure is made out of 20mm grey electrical conduit, and an old (or new) 1” wide tape measure. says: October 13, 2023 at 3:28 pm The steel in a tape measure has 30x the resistivity of copper, and The tape measure antenna is a “homebrew” 2-meter antenna made out of PVC pipe and a steel tape measure. Here are a few comments from Michael: The 2 Meter band tape measure beam antenna is a 3 element Yagi with about 7. The ISS is doing most the work at 50 watts. I've built a 2M tape measure Yagi for use with a Chinese HT. This is the test station in operation. 25" or so long flexible ducks. The well equipped 'hound' will have a switch box or offset attenuator. Reply wpDiscuz. Becky Stern @BeckyStern_1054490. Most hardware stores carry them. It is not shown on the plans for the WB2HOL Tape Measure Beam, but should still be added to the antenna. I quickly realized that it would be easier to mount my radio on the antenna for ease of You can literally tape bandwidth onto your antenna. I recently made a 2m yagi tape measure antenna out of 1/2 inch schedule 40 PVC pipe to listen to some satellites pass overhead. The trick to using the NanoVNA is to install its software on a laptop and use the full-sized menus and see the results on a 23″ screen and a mouse to select the options. - NO tape measures - we had a SK who built a yagi with several elements (maybe 10" total length) for fox hunting - we thought it would a be a fun club build at our meetings. Best HT antenna I've used is a smiley superstick IV. But do you seriously want a 1/2 wave or a 5/8 wave antenna on your HT. The PVC pipe is In this post we will focus more on comparing the EFHW against other HT antenna approaches. com/HamRadioRookieDuck tape, copper foil tape, and a way to connect to it can make for a amazing J-pole antenna for ham In this case, Mike Hannah creates a "slinky" vertical antenna with a counterpoise fashioned from steel tape measures. I had an idea to try to use the tape measure as an antenna :) I decided to do this experiment, despite I am not sure if the steel is material good enough for Bit of an Antenna freak, even as a new Ham, and wasn’t satisfied with many of the responses I’d come across the internets of, “you cannot make a dual band VHF/UHF antenna worth anything yourself, go buy some Chinese product” and/or a version consisting of less than 5-Steps. They are tuned for 465mhz and supposedly 6dB 1/4 collapsed and 9dB 5/8 extended. The Smiley (pictured) operates - 1/4 wave 2M fully extended - 5/8 wave 440 2 sections down - 1/4 wave 440 fully collapsed - 1/4 wave 220 4 sections down . CQ Amateur Radio magazine – regularly has fox hunting articles HT Antenna Comparison - Signal Stick, Diamond SRH770S and Abbree. wire with two 70 cm 1/2 PVC Tape Measure Yagi HT Radio Holder . I made this 3 element and can hit a repeater 25 miles away on the ht with ease. Don't forget that SWR is not a measure of antenna efficiency. I also hooked it up to a tinyGS setup in 70cm and in 5 days received more than 500 data packets with my furthest one being a 3 watt Any antenna longer than a foot makes a HT impractical to use. trying to simulate the HT use (I also test them at arm's length and then near my face like if I was talking into the analyzer). E. The 2 Meter HT Ground Plane Antenna Project. Scanner Tales: Antennas. The antenna gets me much farther range over the stock rubber duck or ever an extension antenna. • “Pointing” HT antennas • Pringles® can or shielded paper towel tube • Yagi antenna – “Tape Measure Yagi” is VERY popular! • Loop antennas • Attenuators • TDOA – Time Difference of Arrival • Doppler • Automatic Direction Finders, etc. H, it's perfect for your car Really nice simplex contacts today with an HT and a tape measure antenna General This afternoon I fixed up my old tape measure antenna I built sixteen years ago. 4. Click to find the best Results for satellite antenna Models for your 3D Printer. Free × Cults. Also indoor reception with directional antennas is tricky by itself due to unpredictable reflections and such. Marvin KE6HTS notes a useful addition to the WB2HOL antenna: “A choke balun consisting of 6 - 8 turns of coax around the beam will help reduce the pattern skew significantly. I opted for sheet metal screws. As to the antenna? Not likely. I signal-stick all my HT’s. They will also be a dipole style, meaning you will have two legs. add to list Tags free 1/2 PVC Tape Measure Yagi HT Radio Holder • , , , , , , , Download: free Website: Thangs. Also cut two 3-inch lengths of insulated Used with Yaesu FT-60 dual band HT. A beam antenna or tape measure Yagi is not a very good antenna for direction finding. Just search for tape measure antenna. N9JIG; Aug Tape Measure Sharpness. This antenna was initially tuned as an Inverted “V” with center insulator relatively low to the ground. Tried different antennas on the 5r and used the abbree antenna on another 5r that works. I quickly realized that it would Related to Half Inch PVC Tape Measure Yagi HT Radio Holder. It has an max output of 3. Building the SCARS tape measure antenna is very easy. 7-element Yagi for 2 meters using tape measures, PVC, and some zip ties ANTENNA The problem is that this antenna can't handle too much power, before it starts emitting the magic blue smoke. The antenna usually is a bit clumsy when I try to carry the HT on a hike and these collapsible "measuring tape" antennas are nice and can bend without breakage if you want to hide the antenna. Frequency: 144/430 mhz. I would go with either the Signal Stick dual band or one of the collapsable 1/2 wave HT antennas like the MFJ Long Ranger or Smiley Half Wave antenna. Better yet, ask a fellow ham for a good HT antenna. Download Augmented Reality. After a few months both the 5r and the antenna stopped working Tx and Rx. The HT and yourself is very much part of the antenna system, thus putting something in the middle changes the system. This is done by adding a counterpoise to your HT antenna, turning your monopole antenna to a dipole antenna. 98 $ 20. This lightweight antenna is perfect to use for fox hunts or as a portable directional antenna for public service events. Reply. An effective receiver was made by "persuading" a ~US$4 Dorji 433 MHz ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) data module into analogue signal reception,perhaps from a companion PICAXE driven tone transmitter. Using nitinol, like the Signal Stuff Signal Stick and 2 layers of adhesive shrink wrap. 75-in. The antenna pole will be connected to another segment when in use, making a When the antenna is needed, the tape measure sections naturally unfold and function extremely well with a 7 dB directional gain and can be adjusted to get a 1:1 SWR at any desired 2 m frequency. W by 2. However, most CB (and HT) antennas are monopoles, which split the antenna in half and use its mount as the other half, so the ideal CB antenna would be approximately 2. Tags Tape Measure Yagi Antenna Element Connector for 2 , , , , Download: free Website: Cults. ) so it is not necessary to additionally tune the I had some posts in the past about tape measure beam antennas. If you're looking for an antenna to focus on a particular band or frequency, we can build you one in either the Outdoor Vertical, Indoor Blade, 5/8 Wave Mobile, or 1/4 Wave Mobile model, and tune it within a specific frequency range specified by you. Because of this it's relying on your arm and surroundings to kludge the other half of the antenna, so the SWR Assume your 1 watt HT equipped with the stock antenna can be heard three miles away. For UHF/VHF base stations most people just use mobile transceivers with a 12 volt PSU, plus a good roof mounted antenna like a Ringo Ranger. 2 db of forward gain. Stood in the bed of the truck with a 5 watt HT and my tape measure Yagi - had them both with me with dreams of a SOTA (along with an Haven't bothered trying to make a contact like that, but its amazing how well I can recieve with an antenna stuck to the HT. This antenna evolved during my search for a beam with a really great front-to-back ratio to use in hidden transmitter hunts. My take on this classic design uses pieces of tape measure as radials, PVC pipe as the mast I'm looking to make a tape measure yage soon, but I have to be honest my real dream is to make two circularly polarized tape measure sat antennas (2m and 70cm) then mount them next to each other on a tracking mount. Half Inch PVC Tape Measure Yagi HT Radio Holder a Download: free Website: Thingiverse. The tape measure antenna is a "home brew" 2 meter antenna made out of . Sniffer 4 is lightweight and easily attached to the RGE VHF-144 antenna (see below) or a home-built measuring-tape beam. 2. I have a long way to go knowledge wise though. they all would work right? but no one seems to use copper. Constructing a Tape Measure Yagi Antenna. 5 inches from the antenna base to the free end. My choice has been an SMA-BNC adapter, feeding 4-6 feet of cable, feeding a home made J-pole for 2 meters. For direction finding you want an antenna with a steep null which can be only a few degrees wide or less and instead of looking for the peak signal you Before you even buy an antenna, it may be worthwhile to try making a "tiger tail" from a length of wire to act as a counterpoise to the stock antenna. print now Tags Tape Measure Yagi Antenna Element Connector for 2 , , , , Download: free Website: Thangs. Additional comment actions. Alex 1/2 PVC Tape Measure Yagi HT Radio Holder. I tinned the scuffed area and used temporary clamps to ARRL 1998 QST/QEX/NCJ CD C i ht (C) 1999 b Th A i R di R l L I. Let me start by saying I know that theoretically you can't measure HT SWR with a meter, but I recently purchased an SW-33+ and have checked some of my antennas with it because it provides specific instructions on how to HT does not have APRS, you can use it like literally any other HT via an external TNC or much more perably direwolf (throwing more CPU time at decodes helps). In the trash it went. Someone recommended a tape measure Yagi antenna - that would be a good solution, but does involve some (simple) construction. Option 1: You can print just the handle and an HT holderOption 2: If you have the kc9on offset attenuator, you can print the handle and a holder for the offset attenuatorThe holes are for #4-40 x 1. But at the time I built it I didn't have an antenna analyzer W6NBC's 2M/70CM Tape . what I don't like about it is how fragile it is, which is why I normally What Is the Tiger Tail Antenna? The tiger tail is the other side of a dipole antenna. The Tape-Measure antenna is a simple, hand-held 2 meter Yagi; that is fun and inexpensive and easily to build. Click to find the best Results for baofeng antenna Models for your 3D Printer. Building the Antenna. Tags: amsat baofeng elk fm sat satellite vhf/uhf. patreon. It will be used for the Director. HT antennas are often about what sucks least. 5mhz QFH antenna. So with that, watch the video and go ahead and build your own tape measure yagi. Very basic, but the antenna works. It has a tuned coil/spring which protects your delicate HT antenna connector, and is This tape measure and copper tiger tail out performs every commercial antenna I've owned. 8 users rated this 5 out of 5 stars 8. 8 microns. If you think you need a longer antenna, then the “tape measure” unit (5) would be the choice. Most HT antennas are not expensive (less than $50) so we often get more Wideband VHF/UHF long tape antenna for handheld and manpack radios, 30 - 512 MHz. Number of antennas to build: 1 - 30' tape measure; 1 - 2' length of ½" PVC pipe; 1 - ½" PVC Tee piece; 2 - ½" PVC Cross pieces; 6 - 1½" hose clamps; 5" inches of 14awg wire; 1 - 50Ω BNC cables. KK5JY, Feb 8, 2017 #7. For more information about the antenna testing Attached are my changes to allow the tape to lay flat across the tee or cross piece. So I'm coming in green on this, and I'm trying to figure out the SWR of some of my antennas for comparative purposes. Reviews; Press; Terms & conditions I made ISS repeater contacts with a VHF tuned tape measure yagi. For Hidden Transmitter Hunting or Fox-Hunting : Parts List. Satellites were got with a HT and a tape measure yagi from a hilltop to get away from the noise. 8-30 Mc center-loaded HF whip, 51 Mc Whip, 28/27 Mc whip, GPS antenna under a radome on roof, 145 Mc 5/8 wave whip and VHF/UHF scanner whip. At best its beamwidth is at least 60 degrees wide and you have to guess where the center of the beam is. This video got me How does the tape measure beam "measure up?" WB4SUV and WA6EZV used a storage scope connected to a copy of this antenna constructed by KC8FQY and provided the Tape measure yagis work but it's probably cheaper, easier and lighter to build them out of stiff wire, arrow shafts, etc. I fold it over when its in the cup holder of my truck. In order for it to be heard at six miles you would have to increase the transmit power from 1 watt to 4 watts or use an antenna that would provide 6 dB of gain. Generally, field strength is what you care about anyhow, so doing A/B comparison between antennas via field strength is going to give you the best correlation to real life Posted by u/CryoClone - 5 votes and 18 comments My take on this classic design uses pieces of tape measure as radials, PVC pipe as the mast, and 3D printed couplers. I've built them this way and they do work, and they can be inexpensive and easily to build. 68 Antenna Switcher Free WiFi antenna mini holder Free 5G antenna windowsill mount 1/2 PVC Tape Measure Yagi HT Radio Holder Free Antenna mast holder Free 1 2 Next › × Figure 5: The Abbree tape measure antenna. i have copper antenna wire steel coat hangers or tape measure blades. Then trim the wire so that it is 19. It is a useful antenna for a variety of direction finding applications. I suspect in this configuration there may be some NVIS antenna characteristics involved, as stations contacted on 40 meters were 100 to 500 miles away, and they gave me a Content & photos from our friends at W5NOR. It’s a tape measure. The combination has performed over the years like a champ: worked Disconnecting the HT's "rubber duck" antenna will knock down the signal even more. You create a high-performance antenna for your modest HT by attaching a matched length of wire to the negative, or ground, side of Tape Measure Antennas. They are wide band, RX well, TX is decent, can't really damage them even if you bend 'em pretty hard (ie: get in the car with the HT still on the belt) and they do pretty well even pressed up against the body (vs some other antennas that go completely deaf immediately). Yes, but it requires a collinear stack and the tape measure construction shown in the photos Tape Measure Beam Optimized For Radio Direction Finding Description. Would be an interesting product as a 5/8 antenna booster to see 1/4 wave radials for the belt clip. ) and the other end prepared for soldering; 6 - #12 (11/16 inch to 1 1/4 inch Measuring the SWR of quarter-wave HT antennas is incredibly difficult (if not practically impossible) to do by the average person because they generally lack the means to measure the antenna under the exact same conditions the antenna operates when mounted directly to the radio. 0 Likes 2 Downloads January 17, 2022. The details show the dimensions and cross-sections of antenna and therefore, lowered the antenna’s resonant frequency. Understanding Antenna Specifications and Operation : Application Note AN-00501. pipe and a steel tape measure. I tried using a mobile whip for VHF/UHF but performance was not much better than any other short antenna (FT-857 on a battery pack with an ATAS-120 antenna for RadioWavz Antenna Tape Measure 2m - 30m Dipoles and Loops. ) for any radio or satellite use that uses 2-meter frequencies. If your looking for a more permanent yagi, I would get some metal rod at ACE or Authentic Genuine Nagoya NA-320A Triband HT Antenna 2M-1. Same for abreeeeee replacement antennas my favorite was simply a resistor layed on top of a tape measure in some heat shrink. Mostly to hit repeaters in the area that are on the fringe of the range for my handheld (Kenwood tk-270G). Quick (probably dumb) question: I'm planning on putting together a tape measure Yagi to connect to my UV-5R and am like 90% sure I need something Whenever the Arrow antenna is mentioned, the Log Periodic by Elk Antennas is also mentioned and vice verse. Free QFT pvc conduit adapter. From the attached photo, this antenna fits nicely on my H8. I built a couple of these out of 12 ga. usspytixmjxmlpwszffknhwvhsfeusdxiwnpnasyadbhan