Emmanuel tv testimony email Name Tag: Emmanuel TV Testimony|India|Spirit of lust Subscribe to our Newsletter. As she received prayer in Jesus’ name, not only did […] During the Nazareth Meeting with TB Joshua in June 2019 at the historic hometown of Jesus Christ, the power of Jesus of Nazareth literally descended upon the thousands who gathered – bringing deliverance from bondage, healing from sickness and freedom from failure! Be blessed as you watch this time of Mass Prayer at the Amphitheatre […] A precise prophetic word from Prophet TB Joshua saves a Nigerian businessman from being implicated after he ignorantly purchased stolen goods… “Everyone has been tempted. Name Email “Liberty to those in captivity”. Joshua on the Emmanuel TV App. Name Email Mar 27, 2019 路 This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Name financial breakthrough testimony! Mr Ukeme Essien seemed to be stuck in a frustrating cycle of limitation and backwardness. Open up your hearts as you join the Emmanuel TV Choir in worshipping God with this soul-lifting song: “Hallelujah”. Discover how to be genuinely saved by Christ and learn to recognise the priceless value of the Holy Spirit in this enlightening sermon titled, ‘Be Spirit Filled’ at the Dominican Republic […] Tag: Emmanuel TV|Testimony|Touch the screen Subscribe to our Newsletter. They both received deliverance from the evil spirits that had possessed them and pushed them into such a heartless lifestyle. Remain Blessed, Emmanuel TV Here is the faith-building record of how Angel Gomes, a talented young footballer with Manchester United in England, received his healing from a groin, hip and ankle injury, after receiving prayer in Jesus’ name from TB Joshua at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria in 2017. Plagued by unusual nightmares of a […] Jul 4, 2018 路 A call came into the Emmanuel TV Studios in Lagos, Nigeria from Bolivia, South America. ” – TB Joshua How do you handle temptation? We all face the temptation to do the wrong thing but there is a way […] Mercy Attaidu was a victim of the ‘2014 Nigeria Immigration Recruitment Tragedy’ during which a stampede occurred in the National Stadium, Abuja when a job interview for the Nigerian Immigration Services drew unprecedented crowds. The pain radiated from her knee all the way up her back which numerous visits to the physiotherapist could not relieve. 馃泿 Subscribe and hit the Notification Bell […] When Jesus told Peter in Luke 22:32 that he was praying “that your faith shall not fail” – what did He actually mean? If you desire to grow spiritually, this message is for you! In this prophetic sermon titled ‘Your Faith Will Not Fail’, Prophet T. Expelling these were watching emmanuel tv testimony from evil spirits who answered the opportunity to and jesus! Emmanuel TV is committed to reaching out in compassion and generosity to the four corners of the globe with humanitarian support, most especially during the coronavirus outbreak… In the nation of Israel, TB Joshua supported the Galilee Medical Centre – the largest hospital in the Galilee region of Northern Israel, serving a diverse population of […] Tag: bahamas|Emmanuel TV Testimony|multiple fibroids Subscribe to our Newsletter. Joshua. I’m currently a student at the Copperbelt University, A young couple from Hong Kong were on the verge of divorce – not because of any fight, trouble or disagreement – but simply because Mrs Tse Wun Ting was inexplicably sad. ” – TB Joshua If you desire to be effective in your prayer life, make sure you listen to this inspired message with TB Joshua during the second day of the Korea Crusade in 2016! Join the thousands who […] “Whatever bondage you are in – financial bondage, career bondage, business bondage, marital bondage – be loosed and be free, in the name of Jesus Christ! It is well, in the name of Jesus Christ!” – TB Joshua Join Prophet TB Joshua for this anointed time of prayer at the Emmanuel TV Studios – including […] Subscribe to our Newsletter. B. Be blessed as you listen, […] A former criminal experiences the emotional embrace of true love which sees far beyond appearance… The testimony of Tebogo from South Africa is a real eye-opener, emphasising the integral importance of not judging anyone based on the marks on their body or their turbulent past – because God NEVER consults our past to determine our […] Oct 24, 2014 路 If you have the clip of yourself praying along with Emmanuel TV/ vomiting/ manifesting, please include it. Home Tag: Emmanuel TV Testimony|healing Testimony|India Subscribe to our Newsletter. Name EMMANUEL TV TESTIMONY: FATHER and SON meet for FIRST TIME in 21 YEARS!!! "Emmanuel! My name is Rex Chaaba. Let us shelter them. Mr Ugwu lived in pain for more than eight years. Contact us if you need support, have a question or want to give us a suggestion. Mr Chibuikem had lost even the faintest ember of hope that remained […] “If you hold offence in your heart, don’t be surprised that your prayer will not be accepted. At the slightest provocation, anger would well within her to the point where violence became the norm. An Uber driver by profession, it was what he knew how to do best – eking out a living on the tiring streets […] “There are two forms of help – help for God’s sake and help with expectation. Right now, stand in the midst of the storms of your life and command CALMNESS, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!” – TB Joshua Join TB Joshua in this anointed time of Mass Prayer at The SCOAN and declare Divine […] Apr 6, 2015 路 If you are eager for spiritual growth as a Christian, get ready for a revelation that will move your heart, increase your knowledge and inspire your faith! Learn some spiritual secrets behind effective Christian living in this must-watch question and answer session with TB Joshua, fresh from his trip to the Prayer Mountain! Be blessed […] According to 2 Corinthians 6:16, God promised to dwell in us and to walk among us. Visit the SCOAN and Emmanuel TV websites to access a wide range of videos featuring Prophet TB Joshua, Pastor Evelyn Joshua, and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). Be blessed by his powerful testimony! As the rains fell from the Heavens upon the multitudes in the stadium, God’s power equally descended in a power-packed time of Mass Prayer at the Paraguay Crusade with Prophet TB Joshua in 2017! “You devil, I command you to remove your hand from my life – in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!” – […] Watch and see how God almighty qualified the unqualified. He will be meeting you tomorrow - Sunday 26th April 2020 - on Emmanuel TV. Apart from being physically struck down with a crippling sickness, the retired teacher was also labelled a ‘witch’ and subject to maltreatment and name-calling. If you are spending much of your time thinking about what you do not have, you may be slipping into unhealthy doubt. 馃泿 Subscribe and hit the Notification Bell […] Tag: Emmanuel TV Testimony|Fiji|Smoking Addiction Subscribe to our Newsletter. Honestly, offence in itself is not deadly if we […] TB JOSHUA MINISTERS TO EMMANUEL TV PARTNERS IN NIGERIA!!! 馃嚦馃嚞 Join Prophet TB Joshua in this powerful prayer to the Holy Spirit and open your heart to receive your healing, deliverance, blessing and freedom – in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!!! “Oh Holy Spirit – the Spirit of healing! Receive your healing, in the name of Jesus!Oh Holy Spirit – the Spirit of deliverance! […] “A few months ago, I began to watch TB Joshua every day on Emmanuel TV and lay my hand on the screen while he was praying for the viewers. Email: info@emmanuel. Little did she know that what struck the sick person would end up striking her! After receiving her […] Effiong Edet Effiong from Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria, came to The SCOAN penniless and hopeless. Please ensure that the testimony is no more than 5 minutes. The bed where he laid became his toilet, sores filling his entire body due […] We are excited to announce to you the introduction of a new programme on Emmanuel TV: ‘Distance Is Not A Barrier – Interactive Prayer Sessions’! Get ready to witness viewers from around the world receive prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit in the Emmanuel TV Studios! Nothing makes it different from being in […] Brace yourself for the raw, real-life, stirring accounts of recovering addicts in USA – who have seen the worst of life – but discovered the best of hope… Emmanuel TV, as part of our mission of changing lives, nations and the world, is engaged in multiple humanitarian projects worldwide. Damian drove. Joshua prays in the name of Jesus Christ, the poisonous substance swelling his small frame bursts out instantly through his urine. […] Prepare to witness the RAW power of God in action during the early ministry of Prophet TB Joshua at The SCOAN… Amputation was the only option doctors could recommend to Mrs Ajibola Adeyanju who was suffering with cancer in her left leg. What began as a hopeful search for employment ended up with her being partially paralysed and an operation scheduled for her […] Tag: Addiction Testimony|Emmanuel TV Testimony|tanzania Subscribe to our Newsletter. However, after her visit to The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), one touch from Jesus Christ through Prophet TB Joshua sent the […] The extraordinary testimony of a man who found life in Christ while facing life imprisonment… Coming back from sick leave to suddenly find himself arrested and sentenced to death by hanging, John Okoh could not believe the blow that life had dealt him. Using the toilet was a 'daily nightmare' due to the piles plaguing his system - a hereditary condition for male […] Receive your freedom as you join by faith in this prophetic declaration and prayer from Prophet TB Joshua for your life, health, career, marriage, family and finances - in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!"Begin to speak to the area where there is discomfort, pain and prophetically declare healing! Prophetically declare deliverance! Prophetically declare blessing! […] Here is her faith-building testimony! “Everyone of us has encountered one of the most common traps used by satan. Remain Blessed, Emmanuel TV Witness a pinpoint word of prophecy from Prophet TB Joshua bring an instant testimony to a young man in bondage to a family curse of sickness. Remember, God can use any medium to express HIMSELF. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Name Email A precise prophecy brings about a touching testimonyMrs Eheli, a Nigerian living in South Africa, arrived at The SCOAN in severe pain and experiencing 'constant bleeding' due to piles. Emmanuel TV Contacts: ‘Call unto Me, and I will answer you…’ (Jeremiah 33:3). Indeed, there is POWER in the blood of Jesus Christ! “All spirits that torment your life – I command them to leave you, in the […] “Every sickness and disease in your organs, wherever in your muscles, kidneys, blood, tendons and bones – begin to flush it out by the Blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost!” – TB Joshua Are you sick, afflicted or in pain? Join Prophet TB Joshua in this anointed Mass Prayer at The […] Subscribe to our Newsletter. One day, I read the testimony of a man who was healed during his sleep and read another testimony of a woman who put her hand on the screen when there was a prayer for the viewers and then she vomited and Prepare to watch the shocking testimony of a Nigerian Uber driver left for dead but destined for life! There seemed nothing extraordinary about that fateful day. Joshua warns us that satan uses our difficult circumstances […] Raise your heart with the Emmanuel TV Choir and call upon the name of the Lord in this impassioned song composed by T. Tag: Deliverance Testimony|south africa Subscribe to our Newsletter. ” […] Welcome the Holy Spirit into your heart as you join the Emmanuel TV Choir in this powerful chorus of worship – sung in three different languages – for the glory of God! 馃幎 LYRICS 馃幎Welcome to my heart oh Holy SpiritMake Your home in me oh Holy Spirit Because You go to where You are […] What you are about to watch is shocking to say the least – the height of human suffering mingled with the heart of human compassion. Name Email Watch a supernatural miracle unfold that shocked the entire Church as God uses a loving mother to pray for her daughter confined to a wheelchair… An elderly woman desperately cries out in the midst of the Sunday service at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), hoping to draw the attention of Prophet TB Joshua […] "There is something far more important than whatever situation you are passing through - your dream and goals. Joshuas are orphans. Name Tag: Deliverance Testimony|Emmanuel TV Testimony|usa Subscribe to Newsletter. After deliverance takes place, a very funny testimony ensues from the young Nigerian couple […] “If you make a mistake – as we all do sometimes – don’t run from God; run to Him!” – TB Joshua After a nearly two month absence, Prophet TB Joshua returns to the Emmanuel TV Studios with a powerful sermon filled with valuable lessons of life titled, ‘Mistakes Are Correctable’. As Prophet T. Name Email If you have the clip of yourself praying along with Emmanuel TV/ vomiting/ manifesting, please include it. C'est l'invitation de Dieu à prier et sa promesse de répondre. As you join the Emmanuel TV Choir in this moving melody, ‘Will And Purpose Of God’ composed by Prophet T. " - TB JoshuaWhat challenges are you currently going through? It may be part of the events that would reveal God's purpose in your life! As TB Joshua says, "Men of purpose do not concentrate on where they […] Are you facing trouble or turbulence in your marital life? Divorce is NOT the answer… Watch how God restores this marriage on the verge of collapse! Blessing left the house and discarded her wedding ring – with no intention of returning to her husband. Joshua in this powerful time of Mass Prayer at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations and experience the anointing that transcends the barriers of time, distance and language – […] Doctors told Chika she would never walk again after a terrible accident left her paralysed from the waist down with a serious spinal cord injury… With an operation scheduled for the wheelchair-bound Nigerian – who openly admitted she was a fierce critic of Prophet TB Joshua and believed he was “a magician” – Chika had […] emmanuel tv testimony email stating that whenever you buy multi tv. ” – TB Joshua. Do not be afraid!” – TB Joshua Are you gripped by fear and panic because of the challenge you are facing? Listen to this word of encouragement from TB Joshua – coupled with […] “If you don’t quit when you fail, you will ultimately succeed in life. Name What is life’s greatest achievement? Open the door of your heart as you listen to this soul-stirring message from TB Joshua titled, ‘The Greatest Achievement On Earth’ – a sermon that will surely take your prayer life to another level! “Our life reflects what is in our heart. Mr Nwokolo Samson shares an incredible testimony about the healing he received at The SCOAN, despite his cynicism and skepticism about Prophet T. It is also possible to be sound in doctrine and never be converted. Name If you have the clip of yourself praying along with Emmanuel TV/ vomiting/ manifesting, please include it. Many T. Name We encourage you to send us a video of yourself sharing your testimony for the glory of God via WhatsApp or Telegram to the following number: +2349020772823 Please also type your name and country. We look forward to hearing your testimony, in Jesus’ name! Remember, it is not the amount of prayer you pray but the faith you put into your prayer that counts. Name “All the doors opened to the enemy through which fear, oppression is entering into your life – by the key of David, right now – begin to lock it up! Fear of affliction, stagnation, disappointment, setback – lock it up, in the name of Jesus!” – TB Joshua Join Prophet TB Joshua in this powerful […] According to Isaiah 43:7, we are created for God’s glory. She was set […]. The Father gave His Spirit to make us like His Son, Jesus Christ. As you receive […] No matter how dirty or ugly your past life looks like, God CAN rewrite your story and reconnect you to your destiny! Fast money, cheap women and hard drugs was the life of of Mr Kanyi, a young Cameroonian. ” Are we truly our brothers keepers? In this thought-provoking message from the Emmanuel TV Studios in […] Subscribe to our Newsletter. Name It is possible to know the Word and still be lost. Let us father them. Name When the fits of rage overwhelmed Blessing Christopher, she was uncontrollable. Please don’t submit the same prayer request more than once. I have been tempted, you have been tempted, and we will continue to be challenged with issues that violate our conscience or push us to sin against God. Angel was subsequently captain of Englands successful U-17 World Cup […] former criminal experiences the emotional embrace of true love which sees far beyond appearance The testimony of Tebogo from South Africa is a real eye-op Wreaking of alcohol, Titilola lurched dizzily towards the toilet. tv Phone number: +234-803-373-0650 do you have a testimony? share it with us! tel: +234(0)7086977000 / +234(0)8120271044 Do you have a situation you want to present before God in prayer? Here is your opportunity! Submit your prayer request in the comments section below and get connected to the anointing that breaks every yoke!!! abnormal menstral pain healed severe headache cured skin disease cured Dear EmmanuelTV Team, Emmanuel! Good morning and win today and forever, in Jesus Christ name. Plagued by depressive thoughts and loss of affection, it seemed as […] Apr 22, 2015 路 Prophet TB Joshua has been at the prayer mountain for the past four days. Name Nneoma Ukpabi, a popular Nollywood actress from Nigeria, shares a powerful testimony in The SCOAN about how she safely delivered her baby despite several complications and the looming threat of an operation. Name If God could change this young man, there is NO ONE His grace cannot reach… Geronimo was deep in the underworld of crime and international drug trafficking. Learn the meaning of grace, the danger of following the majority and the importance of depending on God for absolutely everything in this short sermon with Prophet TB Joshua from The SCOAN Archives titled, ‘The Best Man By Faith’. It was a ghastly sight to behold as the swollen leg oozed puss […] “In your business, in your family, in your finances – RISE AGAIN, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!” – TB Joshua Join Prophet TB Joshua in this life-changing, Spirit-filled time of Mass Prayer at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria as Jesus Christ commands everything that has died in your life to rise again!! Remember, […] Tag: Deliverance Testimony|Emmanuel TV Testimony|nigeria Subscribe to our Newsletter. Joshua Do you think your marriage is tough? Listen to the shocking extent to which demons tried to destroy this young marriage with the spirit of anger… Mrs Matilda Vordzorgbe from Ghana put her husband through hell – under the influence of darkness. Rebeca Cruz was requesting prayer for severe knee pain caused by a problem in her meniscus. This is my testimony by praying along with Prophet T. And drove. However, one touch from Jesus Christ through […] Join Prophet TB Joshua in this anointed time of prayer at the Emmanuel TV Studios – upon his return from the Prayer Mountain – and get ready to choose FAITH over FEAR, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Are you sick or afflicted? Partake in this powerful prayer for healing and prepare to share your miracle testimony!!! Tag: Baby Testimony|Emmanuel TV Testimony|Malawi Subscribe to our Newsletter. Subscribe to our Newsletter. The horror of devilish intent and satanic destruction is all too clear. “To learn how to […] Watch what happens when an occultic witchdoctor gives his life to Jesus Christ at The SCOAN – followed by a truly shocking confession to Prophet TB Joshua… The case you are about to watch defies words. Name Email Prophet TB Joshua is a ‘professor’ when it comes to persecution, slanderous remarks and campaigns of calumny. Just open your heart, pray along in faith and don’t forget to send us your testimony of what […] Emmanuel TV Contacts : Appelez-moi, et je vous répondrai » (Jérémie 33:3). Name Email “One of satan’s tactics is to get you to doubt God’s goodness. Name Email Tag: ghana|Prayer Line Testimony Subscribe to our Newsletter. Increasing such bondages for emmanuel tv believing that, my house chores and i had heart must use the job. One such project involves actively supporting […] Tag: Academic Breakthrough|Emmanuel TV Testimony|Uganda Subscribe to our Newsletter. You don’t want to miss the moment this young man is set free from a dangerous swelling of the body. ” […] If you’re struggling under the bondage of sickness, disease or affliction, HEALING is available for you – in the name of Jesus Christ! Join Prophet T. Name Mar 15, 2015 路 Can you hold back your tears??? Brace yourself for the emotional account of a young man condemned to die but destined to live… Framed for a crime he never committed, languishing in a prison described as ‘hell on earth’, awaiting execution by hanging. As Christians, we are encouraged daily to use our testimony […] Tag: Breakthrough Testimony|Forgiveness|nigeria Subscribe to our Newsletter. Remain Blessed, Emmanuel TV A couple from Liberia came to The SCOAN tired of their lives of crime, fraud and deception. I am 25 years old from Zambia. Through the medium of the Anointing Water, in the name of Jesus Christ. I am Eunice Osei from Accra. As Prophetess Angela prays […] Physical distance proved no barrier to this lady from Ivory Coast who discovered the truth that God is even more powerful in distance as she received a life-changing touch from the healing hands of Jesus Christ during the Interactive Prayer Session on Emmanuel TV! After she had her son in 2014, Marie Amalaman began to […] During a powerful time of Mass Prayer with Prophet TB Joshua at The SCOAN, God located a young lady from Italy and miraculously flushed out multiple fibroids from her system. The Holy Spirit worked with the Father and the Son to create the world. […] “The best man in the world can only maintain his integrity as long as God keeps him in it. “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through […] From his home in Paraguay, South America, Ysmael Figueredo experienced a remarkable miracle after receiving prayer in faraway Lagos, Nigeria! During the Interactive Prayer Session at the Emmanuel TV Studios, the Paraguayan accountant explained his multiple health challenges which made even simple tasks such as sitting down extremely difficult and painful. He made a wonderful promise in John 14:16-17: “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever — the Spirit of Truth. He […] Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Ask the Holy Spirit of the Living God to come and dwell in your heart as you sing this simple worship song with the Emmanuel TV Choir titled ‘Come And Dwell’ and receive His joy, love, peace and salvation. ” (Romans 10:13) 馃幎LYRICS: 馃幎 I speak Your nameI call Your nameJesus oh Jesus “I SPEAK YOUR NAME”Written by […] Subscribe to our Newsletter. “For over two […] This Sierra Leonean came to The SCOAN crying in pain but left leaping in joy… The case of Mrs Claudia Thullah was truly pathetic. “Those who overcome satan will be required to use […] Tag: healing Testimony|Kenya|Viewers Prayer Testimony Subscribe to our Newsletter. ” – TB Joshua Most of our troubles today are tongue troubles. “What a blessing to know for sure that no matter how you feel, God says faith is something you already have!” Open your heart to receive God’s Word and wisdom with this exciting, action-packed, faith-building message titled, ‘You Are A Faith Man’ with TB Joshua at The SCOAN from July 2009. The Jesus Christ we know is Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. Joshua in this anointed time of prayer for viewers all over the world and receive your own healing, deliverance and breakthrough in Jesus’ name! “Be delivered from every reproach and shame, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!” – T. Learn the importance of words and ensuring they align with God’s Word in this powerful sermon from TB Joshua titled, ‘Words That Work Wonders’. Emmanuel God is Revelations 12:11 says: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony …. Name Email Tag: Faith Bracelet Testimony|Kenya Subscribe to our Newsletter. I speak healing - I receive healing! I speak deliverance - […] Brace yourself to witness the shocking case of a Nigerian man who was literally 'burned alive' in the name of 'love'. A commercial motorcyclist who barely had finances to pay for his family upkeep, the transformation in his life after receiving Anointing Water from T. Here is their deliverance and subsequent confession: “The confession of your lips should have your hearts FULL agreement. Name Email “Those who are with us, fighting for us, protecting us and supporting our position are more than the forces of the adversary. An elderly man was abandoned in a village, left to fend for himself in the dark. Joshuas are sick. Name Subscribe to our Newsletter. Are you ready for a touch?” – TB Joshua 馃泿 Hit the Notification Bell to stay updated whenever our faith-building […] Subscribe to our Newsletter. Name Tag: Breakthrough Testimony|Ivory Coast Testimony Subscribe to our Newsletter. At just 26 years old, Mr Mankanjuola Ademoyegun nearly lost his life after a heated argument with his fiancée led to her filling a bucket with gasoline and setting the two of them ablaze. Name A moving testimony of a couple’s extraordinary journey from barrenness to fruitfulness after a prophetic word from Prophet TB Joshua at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). Despite impressive credentials and incisive business sense, Ukeme was only able to get a job as a teacher, earning a menial amount that barely catered for his daily needs. Joshua, for “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. HE chose to touch Nneoma through the Anointing Water. […] May 27, 2019 路 Join the thousands of visitors to The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) from around the globe as they prayerfully enter the anointed altar at The SCOAN to receive Living Water and a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ!"What you speak determines what you receive. Watch TB Joshua cast out the spirit of ‘follow-follow’ from a lady who was spiritually attacked after praying for a sick friend… Mrs Marian Eze followed her friend on an urgent prayer mission for a sick person. So, where does the strength come from to endure such vicious attacks and unfounded rumours – without responding or retaliating? In this illuminating message titled, ‘Works Of Faith Part 3’, prepare to learn some practical principles of faith […] Does healing in the name of Jesus Christ still happen in our generation today? YES!!! Watch this incredible miracle take place during the early ministry of Prophet TB Joshua – twenty-three years ago in 1997… “All the punishment Jesus Christ received before and during His crucifixion was for our healing – spirit, soul and body. Joshuas are homeless. If you are willing to receive the job is half-done because Jesus Christ is willing to give. “There is a power that sets men free – the power […] Tag: Deliverance Testimony|Emmanuel TV Testimony|south africa Subscribe to our Newsletter. However, a touch from Jesus Christ at The SCOAN sent packing the devils […] Under the instruction of the Holy Spirit, Prophet TB Joshua leads the congregation at The SCOAN in a simple song coupled with an anointed prayer – producing extraordinary Spirit-filled results! As you watch God’s power, trust Him for your own miracle, healing, deliverance and freedom – in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Remember, distance […] “Being a Christian is not about what you do; it is about what Christ Jesus has done!” – TB Joshua Discover the secrets of true Christianity in this insightful Easter sermon at the Emmanuel TV Studios with Prophet TB Joshua titled, ‘What It Means To Be A Christian’. Joshua, commit yourself to the will of God for your life and your future. “God has written us into an unprecedented, revolutionary story of reconciliation!” – TB Joshua 馃泿 Subscribe and […] What role should ministers of God play in a time of ‘global crisis’ such as we find ourselves in today with the COVID-19 pandemic? In a world that cares less, we should care more… Join Emmanuel TV Partners in this charitable mission to elderly, vulnerable and deprived citizens in South Africa, facing the economic repercussions […] A young girl’s broken bones visibly start reacting to the power of God as she receives prayer from Prophet TB Joshua at The SCOAN… Miss Elizabeth Matthias, a 10-year-old girl from Delta State, Nigeria was brought to The SCOAN in a vehicle unable to walk. The charge for ‘collaborating with armed robbers’ was later set at life […] Subscribe to our Newsletter. If there are any medical reports, please hold them steady in front of the camera and also upload the image. The addiction had robbed her of reason and the disgusting had become acceptable. A man who had given himself to […] Can you watch this lively testimony without laughing or smiling??? How would you react if your partner struck you on the face? A husband-beating wife is miraculously brought out through a word of prophecy at The SCOAN from Prophet T. Name Email Why would anyone bring a ‘charm’ to the church? Prophet TB Joshua exposes the devilish item hidden in a man’s pocket – prompting a revelation of how he used that totem for equally devilish purposes… Sylvester, a young man from Delta State, Nigeria, came to The SCOAN tired of his life of fraud and crime. If we help in this way, we should know that we have already received the reward. At at tender age, he became an internet guru – eventually perverting his skill into full-time […] Are you on YouTube looking for prayer for healing physically, emotionally or spiritually? Watch this video and witness God’s healing power touch you ANYWHERE you are! “I can see the seraphim present in the house. ” – TB Joshua — 锔廠hare Your Testimony […] Asnakech Thomas – the head of Amaro Gayo Mill within the boundaries of the Nechisar National Park – is the only female coffee producer and exporter in the whole of Ethiopia. Joshua is nothing short of remarkable! Be inspired in your faith by his joyful testimony! Subscribe to our Newsletter. ” This means that the word of our testimony is a weapon, a weapon of victory that brings us into our ordained position as overcomers. ” – TB Joshua Are you struggling with discouragement or depression? Weighed down by economic or physical challenges? Overwhelmed by the ups and downs of life? Prepare to be ENCOURAGED with this short drama followed by an inspirational message from Prophet TB Joshua […] Subscribe to our Newsletter. Joshua! He received his healing through ministering the ‘Morning Water’ in Jesus’ name. “Viewers all over the world, wherever you are, whatever position you are in – receive mercy! Receive MERCY, in the name of Jesus Christ!” – Prophet TB Joshua Join TB Joshua in this anointed time of prayer at The SCOAN Living Water Service and open your hearts to receive God’s unlimited mercy. This is the remarkable story of how a […] Jul 10, 2019 路 As we mark Prophet TB Joshua’s 57th Birthday on June 12th 2020, be blessed as you watch this compilation of some of the humanitarian projects the Emmanuel TV Team are engaged in! “Many T. However, her unique career – which provided employment to countless hundreds of indigenous women – was threatened by multiple fibroids that caused intense physical […] Subscribe to our Newsletter. Even after he stopped his nefarious acts on the outside, the nauseating urge to smoke and take drugs continued unabated. She spent that night alone in her vomit – the toilet cubicle her only companion… Miss Titilola Labode […] WHO IS A TRUE CHRISTIAN?!? | TB Joshua Sermon “Being a Christian is not about what you do; it is about what Christ Jesus has done!” – TB Joshua Discover the secrets of true Christianity in this insightful Easter sermon at the Emmanuel TV Studios with Prophet TB Joshua titled, ‘What It Means To Be A Christian’. Near the end of the service during the Mass Prayer, a word of prophecy from Prophet TB Joshua rang forth concerning her situation - but two […] An incredible word of prophecy from Prophet TB Joshua at The SCOAN saves a Zambian marriage on the brink of separation and provides a poignant lesson on the dangers of untamed anger and the joys of God’s deliverance. If you are yet to discover a well defined purpose, let […] “Jesus stood in the boat and commanded the winds and waves to be calm. “We wake up in […] Get connected to the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit as you join in this special time of prayer with Prophet TB Joshua at the Prayer Mountain! After four days in solitude at the Prayer Mountain, Prophet TB Joshua offers prayer for the whole world – including specific prayers for leaders, ministers of God, health […] Join Prophet T. Name Email Give the Lord free access to make your heart His dwelling place as you join the Emmanuel TV Choir in this lively melody, “Free Access”. Her system was intoxicated to such a dire point that the world was literally spinning. What is it? OFFENCE. With such a wild spirit, Blessing was unable to maintain any relationship or make any meaningful forward movement in her life. Today we love, care and help with expectation. HallelujahJehovah is Your nameHallelujahYou are One and the […] A Ghanaian lady brought a strange set of ‘gods’ to church – which were rudely exposed during TB Joshua’s Spirit-filled prayer for calmness… Patience Yebo was brought up taught to worship a set of idols, care for them, feed them and give them money – as they represented her dead twin brothers. Is what we heard and saw as Spirit-filled prayer was offered during the Mass Prayer. He tries to get you to forget all God has given you and to focus on what you do not have. Just as He crushed the walls of Jericho, He will crush every wall of sin in your life today. skrf uqer rhdwdt koytmq osauy ptnog zcxu oyvd tvfkqq otieg