Wellbrook ala1530 for sale. 51 Visitors viewed Eglink System ads in the last 30 Days.

Wellbrook ala1530 for sale Nov 17, 2024 · The Pixel Technologies PRO-1A and Wellbrook ALA1530 Active Loop Antennas Compared PDF article; Wellbrook ALA-1530-Interesting Loop for Small Gardens; W6LVP Loops. 8°E), a spot theoretically away from QRM (300m ASL, rural, open fields, main city 7 km away). Wellbrook Communications’ ALA1530 is £200. 10dB and 4dB respectively. ¿^íÅN—o ûùÃØ›û0ÎøÛŸ¾ýîíóÛÛO{ f ï; N xG ·wû TB{ L4ÉäriÂEìÙ ÞÁ. The ALA100LN has similar interference reduction properties as the ALA1530LN. Nov 14, 2015 · Hi everyone. On Top Band (160m/1. As with the 1530, this covers a wide frequency range of approximately Used equipment for sale by Eglink System (1000) YeongDeungPo ByukSan Digital Valley Rm. " However, I have amassed considerable experience of trying (and succeeding)to use a Wellbrook ALA1530(LN) on an RSP2- the same issues possibly applying, so here goes. No doubt, the venerable Wellbrook loop has helped thousands radio enthusiasts mitigate RFI/QRM and make it possible to once again DX from home. Wellbrook ALA1530. Everett Sharp N4CY made PCBs and we all had our own clone ALA1530LNs. Model: Active Magnetic Loop Antenna ALA1530 - Wellbrook Communications; Dimensions (WHD) 1000 x 1000 x 40 mm / 39. It was extremely well packaged for shipping from the UK to Virginia. Second Hand Wellbrook ALA330 Receiving LoopActive Loop Antenna ALA 330S (aluminium)3MHz-30MHz 1. Perfect match for continuous tuning SDR receivers. A couple of my subscribers asked me to upload a short video to explain what parts are included with the loop and what you need to supply yourself. Of course Wellbrook was still in business and we all agreed to never divulge the circuit publicly. Send to a Friend. If you didn’t receive the original bias-T box (DC interface) from the SK estate, you’ll need to get a replacement. It was not Wellbrook's fault. 1 sold, 0 available. Radio Romania 0245 utc Idaho USA. Dec 29, 2018 · Firstly, may I say that I am a relative novice "swl-er. Owned a couple of Wellbrook ALA1530's. 3°N, 4. Sep 2, 2023 · I have been experimenting and build loop amplifies for several years now. In other words, if you are an amateur (as opposed to an SWL) there is little to be gained in using the ALA1530 as a separate receive antenna on the higher bands. The balun I have used (Wellbrook UMB130) is engineered in a way that prevents the radio noise current from inside your house flowing into the receiving part of the antenna. ) ! Listening to the lower bands (e. More Wellbrook ALA 330S Active Loop Antenna Wellbrook ALA 330S Broadband Active Loop Antenna UPDATE: As of April 2023 Wellbrook has closed and is no longer doing business. Thanks for watc Jun 10, 2021 · These are my loops mfj-1886,w6lvp,wellbrook-ala1530,wellbrook-ala1530ln performance on all is excellent mine are only half a metre of the ground which took a while to find the right spot another is 5 metres high all perform excellent main intrest in hf aircraft. 5dB. Greater coverage is possible at reduced performance. I just finished building another batch of 5 Retrofit loop amplifiers for the Wellbrook ALA1530 loop. More information is available from Wellbrook Communications, Wellbrook House, Brookside Road, Bransgore, Christchurch, BH23 8NA, UK Tel: +44 1425 674174. Aluminium LoopThe Wellbrook ALA 330S directional Loop antenna for short wave. Taking international shipping charges for the Wellbrook loop into consideration, the ALA1530 is still a less expensive antenna. c This loop is receive only. 95 or 231. Decided to go with the Wellbrook and can't be more than pleased with it's performance in pulling out the light dxpeditions. Send Request . 65*) IM-1530 1537 gallon capacity 2 compartment, 3 manhole 62" wide by 55" high by 176" Kit includes 3 lids, 2 rubber grommets & 2 PL-68 drop tees Antena Activa Wellbrook ALA1530-LN AliExpress. Mar 9, 2021 · 10 thoughts on “ The “Signal Sweeper”: How to build a portable Wellbrook loop antenna ” Guy Atkins March 9, 2024 at 1:31 pm. Here is the schematic George is providing on his website at https://www. Second Hand Active Loop Antenna ALA1530 Aluminium, The world famous Wellbrook Active Loop ALA1530 long, medium and shortwave antenna. Wellbrook antenna ALA 1530, an active magnetic loop antenna 93 cm (3') of diameter made of aluminium for about 1 kg (2 lbs. It gives useful gain even in the air band. 02-30 MHz: Bandwidth: Gain:? dB: Beamwidth (-3 dB): E-plane: ?° H-plane: ?° G/T @ 30° elevation: NEW ALA1530 and ALA1530LF MAGNETIC BROADBAND ACTIVE LOOP ANTENNA 30kHz to 30MHz E-mail: sales@wellbrook. I got some very good results with the ALA1530 loop in the early hours of this morning, receiving a couple of low-power Brazilian stations with b Compare Wellbrook & LZ1AQ Noise floor and Signals 1 to 31MHz 11-Aug-17 IVARC Talk –Active Loops DRAFT, M0XGT 25 Loop + Wellbrook LNA blue = signals, black = noise floor Loop + LZ1AQ LNA blue = signals, black = noise floor 14MHz 7MHz 3. My derivation from the LAZ1AQ can be found earlier in this blog, but for various reasons, I lean more towards the Wellbrook. Each sell for a different pricepoint, the MLA-30 which I bo A comparison on the MW band between two active loop antennas. Based on results from my S/N ratio tests, signal Sep 18, 2019 · In this review, he compares the MLA to the Wellbrook ALA1530-LF and a 30 foot square ground loop antenna. Hearing lots of HF stations is what convinced me to look into transmitting loops for HF. Dec 14, 2019 · A comparison on the shortwave band of the MLA-30 vs Wellbrook ALA 1530 S+ active antennas. See "Data change" for further The ALA1530 has been re-engineered to increase the LW and MW gain by approx. His results show that while the loop is capable of receiving the same signals that the two comparison loops can, the SNR is much lower. D. The amplifier intermodulation performance has been improved and an FM band filter is now fitted. If you are as curious as me, you should click this link. com GB www. 1m dia. All of us in the radio community mourn his passing. Sep 16, 2017 · As a first-time loop buyer (!), I was curious to how the Wellbrook loop would compare to larger antennas. I hope thi Compare Wellbrook & LZ1AQ Noise floor and Signals 1 to 31MHz 11-Aug-17 IVARC Talk –Active Loops DRAFT, M0XGT 25 Loop + Wellbrook LNA blue = signals, black = noise floor Loop + LZ1AQ LNA blue = signals, black = noise floor 14MHz 7MHz 3. 5MHz 14MHz 7MHz 3. The Wellbrook Medium Aperture Loop ALA100LN is a specialist's antenna designed for the long wave, NDB band, medium wave and short wave DXer. 408, MunRaeDong 5-Ga 9, YeongDeungPo-Ku Korea (South) Wellbrook ALA1530 Mar 23, 2023 · Wellbrook Communications will cease trading at the end of April 2023. Wellbrook products, and a number, like myself, also use the excellent ALA1530 1 Metre Diameter Loop. Using the battery pack I built for this ver Feb 20, 2010 · Finally the Wellbrook-ALA1530 active hf Loop is up around 4. The ALA 1530 as well as other receive loop antennas can be obtained from Wellbrook Communications, Wellbrook House, Brookside Road, Bransgore, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 8NA, U. The antenna stand alone costs £144. And in my testing from 200 kHz to 29 MHz, the ALA1530 always had a 2 to 6 S-point advantage over the EF-SWL which was very suprising. The noise floor is quite high even on empty spectrum, and regardless of Mar 10, 2015 · I have set up my ALinco DX-r8t/E SWL receiver in my 3rd floor office, connected to a Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop natenna, which sits on my window sill. Dec 3, 2015 · Hi there, I mentioned to some of you that I was intending on trying to attach the Wellbrook ALA1530 to my Sony ICF-2001D portable. com Product - Hot Sale TECSUN PL660 PLL SSB VHF AIR Band Radio FM Stereo/MW/SW/LW Dual Conversion Receiver Y4133A: when coupled to a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop at home – it delivered hundreds of transatlantic medium wave signals. On the lower frequencies, they can benefit from the added sea gain (aka “coastal effect”) that other antennas benefit from. 4 x 1. Usually it costs about 30USD-50USD. The MLA-30 vs Wellbrook ALA1530 S+. I contacted Wellbrook. Jan 6, 2022 · Buy TZT HamGeek 50KHz-30MHz LNR Loop Pro Active Loop Antenna Ultra Low Noise - Wellbrook ALA/FLEX1530LN at Aliexpress for . It also provides the basis for a Diy loop at moderate cost: Product is in production Die weiteren Vergleiche weiter oben haben dann gezeigt, das ab der Mittelwelle die Antennen etwa gleich sind, dann fängt die ALA-1530S+ an die ML-200 zu überholen. ebay. $740. Here I am receiving VO Tigray Revolution from Ethiopia on 5950 kHz More information is available from Wellbrook Communications, Wellbrook House, Brookside Road, Bransgore, Christchurch, BH23 8NA, UK Tel: +44 1425 674174. This page documents the version 3 and version 4 WellGood Loop project which was originally devised to help repair the WellBrook Loop ALA1530. Sep 8, 2020 · Wellbrook ALA-1530 Active Magnetic Loop Antenna DX Engineering RF-PRO-1B Array Solutions AS-SAL-30 Shared Apex Loop Array Hi-Z 4 Four Element Vertical Array Receive System Noble Radio RXLP-1 Broadband Active Receive Loop WellBrook ALA100LN-M Medium Aperture Loop (RX) Array Solutions AS-SAL-20 Shared Apex Loop Array As for the Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna, I can’t praise it highly enough, both in terms of combating QRM and overall performance as a function of compactness. Nulls will not be of much help if you have nearby MW stations in different directions. Extensive side-by-side testing of the Wellbrook, DX Engineering, and W6LVP receive loops was compiled using simultaneous WSPR signal-to-noise reception reports on all LF, MF, and HF amateur bands. 68 USD. Didn't hold much hope for this little loop. com. The ALA1530 differs from the one I think you're looking at on Ebay in that it is an external antenna although I think that some may use it loft mounted. You can order it from their web site at www. george-smart. 5MHz 31MHz1MHz 31MHz LF/MW Better Urban city location, dusk. It's 100 times better than the Wellbrook designed amp, which corrodes and actually has more output than the original. "I just finished building another batch of the LZ1AQ loop amplifiers that are designed to fit directly on the Wellbrook ALA1530 loop. It consists of an approximately 3' diameter loop, made of aluminum tubing about 1" in diameter, with an integrated amplifier. ALA 1530 - Figures and measurements in the field (III) Here are some figures I recorded on Saturday November 22, 2003 in various conditions on the heights of Wépion, Belgium (50. This is due to retirement. No lightening protection or diodes across the loop. I chose the MFJ loop after examining its schematic, helpfully published by MFJ. The first loop got lost in the mail. But in some circumstances, especially at lower frequencies, the ALA1530 was rejecting noise far better than the EF-SWL. 8MHz) the Wellbrook turned a noisy S9 mess on my wire antenna into a perfectly quiet band. Great for contesters to quickly check all bands. Nearby metal objects can affect the nulls, so the loop should be in the clear. I there, I mentioned in an previous video that this was my next experiment and so here is a brief summary of how I'm going to carry this out. - OIP2: 90dBm+. I still have the Wellbrook and love it! Wellbrook's customer service is also outstanding. Loop comparison, Wellbrook ALA1530LN left, YouLoop right. Hi there, finally I managed to get to the woods for a DX'pedition with the Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna. Other useful information would include your experience with similar products, infomation on a product that you would purchase instead of this one, and so on. Normal amount watching. These will be the last that I will build for a while, as I am working on other projects. So, during Saturday, I set up a test scheme for LW, MW and SW. I don't know the circuity of the Wellbrook Loop amplifier, however, I have built and sold an Improved version of the LZ1AQ loop amplifier. Wellbrook. The issue with the original Wellbrook is that the manufacturer protected their product from weather conditions and/or plagiarism (who knows) by encapsulating Jun 27, 2015 · Finalmente ho installato a Bocca di Magra il nuovo loop Wellbrook, naturalmente con l'aiuto di Alessandro Capra, antennista della Real Casa. Having already had excellent results with this smaller loop I was naturally very keen to try out its ‘big brother’, the ALA100 Large Aperture Broadband Loop. It is built with interesting review about active magnetic loop antenna wellbrook ala 1530 and 330s by on4sky. jpeg Feb 14, 2023 · Any one tried this Chinese Wellbrook 1530 Loop Antenna? Price is not usual Chinese. Aluminium Loop---- As of April 2021 the amplifier gain has been Feb 9, 2015 · 3 thoughts on “ Michael Stevenson reviews the Wellbrook ALA1530S+ ” Guy Atkins February 20, 2015 at 5:54 pm. Over the past decade the ALA1530 range of The ALA 330 as well as other loop antennas suited for emission can be obtained from Wellbrook Communications, Wellbrook House, Brookside Road, Bransgore, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 8NA, U. In fact Wellbrook tested the loops with two signals at +10 dBm S9+80 dB output to be sure that there is no risk to work with a preamp offering a too low dynamic range but also to prevent any damage to the antenna active circuit (the white "black box" at the base of the antenna) if you listen to broadcast stations in an area where there are very I've saved this Wellbrook ad of April 2021 which talks about an improved version with higher gain--note the ad does not mention comparing it with his earlier ALA1530 (now WellGood version): "A new version of the world famous Wellbrook Active Loop ALA1530 50kHz-30MHz 1m dia. The upper HF gain is increased by approx. Excellent Replacement For Wellbrook Loop Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. Regards Lino. Find more , and products. Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! Limited Time Sale Easy Return. Oct 10, 2007 · I have not read a bad review from the Wellbrook loops yet. Hardware Review. Includes a low-noise, broadband amplifier covering 2200 (135 kHz) through 10 meters (30 MHz) with no tuning or adjustment. I boght the Wellbrook-ALA1530 Active Magnetic Loop in 2009 out of frustration getting to much noise on hf with no resul finally it has been the best hf receiving antenna starting to enjoy the hobby monitoring hf aero put the antenna up 5 metres high & around the same distance from the house with excellent results will be adding a rotator %PDF-1. Great bang for the buck. With the new design I can offer it as a stand alone finished board, with bias tee, or mounted in a nice compact box. E' il modello ALA1530S+ Imperium (50 kHz-30MHz), che ha sostituito il modello LFL 1010 (10 kHz-10MHz). Straightforward and very easy setup, very high quality parts, craftsmanship and construction. More recently, I have also acquired a Microtelecom Perseus – widely regarded as one of the best SDRs of the past few years and in my experience, the equal of the Elad. UK and European version with psu. Good to know, I also built a prototype of this ALA1530LN clone, even using a double-sided printed circuit made specifically by the usual Chinese but either the scheme is wrong somewhere or the semiconductors used (especially jfets) are not suitable I used 8 x SMD MMBFJ130 as a fet array and as transistors, two PN2222 that already used in the "standard" version of the ALA1530 clone, but it Nov 23, 2024 · WellGood Loop project which was originally devised to help repair the WellBrook Loop ALA1530. Recorded in Oxford UK using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna (indoors) on 29/06/16 at 03:00 hrs UTC. I recently redesigned the LZ1AQ board, making it smaller and all SMD. A resettable fuse is now fitted to Antenna Interface. His design is derived from the well know WellBrook-Loop model ALA1530. This past weekend I found some interesting results from medium wave DXing with both models of Wellbrook Imperium loop antennas at the “fabled” Rockworks cliffs near Manzanita, Oregon USA. Aug 1, 2012 · The ALA1530 isn't perfect, it won't completely rid your life of every bit of interference. https://www. The post office is notoriously bad in my neighborhood. H/F Magnetic Loop Antenna ( Receive Only ) Never Used! PicClick Exclusive Popularity - 1 watcher, 0. Thanks for Looking Lino. K. Apr 8, 2022 · Hi Phil I use to have my loops around 5 metres performance wasn’t as good as what it is now lower to the ground main interest for me is hf aircraft MFJ 1886,Wellbrook ALA1530LN,W6LVP. Shipping the Wellbrook antenna from the UK to the US adds another $100. The same company manufactures an antenna feeder isolator, which they claim, stops noise getting into the feed line through mainsborne interference. 4 x 39. Phone: +44 (0) 1 425 674 174. May 12, 2008 · I have owned my ALA-1530 for approximately 5 years. My antenna setup is similar to Wellbrook’s commercial flexible loop; Wooden base for the antenna (ALA1530 is bolted to the base) 20 feet of lightweight RG-174 coax The Wellbrook ALA 1530+ is an active magnetic loop receive-only antenna, manufactured by Wellbrook Communications of the UK. Nov 1, 2015 · This entry was posted in Antennas, Articles, Guest Posts, Mediumwave, News, Portable Radio, Shortwave Radio, Software Defined Radio and tagged DXing, Guy Atkins, MW DX, Wellbrook ALA1530LN Pro, Wellbrook ALA1530LN Pro Review, Wellbrook ALA1530S+ Imperium, Wellbrook ALA1530S+ Imperium Review on November 1, 2015 by Thomas. I’ve used various Wellbrook loops for years at the Washington coast, and they are great performers. Type: >Active loop antenna: Frequency range / band(s): 0. Sep 19, 2019 · In this review David compares the MLA-30 against a 30-ft ground loop and a Wellbrook ALA1530-LF. Both suffered amplifier issues ( water ingress). Wonder how the performance would be. Mentioned in - - Manufacturers Literature; Author; Model page created by Kent Johansson. . Die ALA-1530 rauscht weniger und hat im LW Bereich etwas weniger Pegel aber oft das bessere SNR, die Boni-Whip rauscht mehr und hat oft stärkere Pegel. Describe your experience with the Wellbrook ALA-1530 Active Magnetic Loop Antenna and tell us why you give it the rating you did (required). The antenna is designed for a user-provided thin wire loop; 8-10m circumference. OR Nov 3, 2011 · I've used a Wellbrook ALA1530 loop for about 12 months and am delighted with the results I get on the broadcast and ham bands and with data decoding. com ALA1530z20 17-06-15. co. Despite the higher noise floor, Wellbrook looks to have a signal to noise ratio ~4-5 higher than YouLoop. So I decided to design the Improved LZ1AQ amplifier so that it would fit on the ALA1530 loop. Wellbrook no longer exist so cannot get spareparts but there's a guy building replacement amplifiers for those wellbrook loops. Dec 22, 2024 · Hi there, the HamTek Bias-T is such a useful device, allowing me to toggle between my transmitting wire and both Wellbrook loops (in perpendicular orientatio The Wellbrook ALA 1530+ is an active magnetic loop receive-only antenna, manufactured by Wellbrook communications of the UK. h. 5 new watchers per day, 2 days for sale on eBay. They do work well but after selling them as I was fed up with the poor reliability, I bought a cheap MLA-30+ loop off eBay. 5 metres high & 5 metres away from the house so far the antennas has been excellent monitoring hf utilities late at night and specialy the aero hf bands. Two of 2N2222A in my circuit. Title: Feb 12, 2018 · I have a Wellbrook ALA1530 loop and do see the nulls on LW/MW. Used equipment for sale by Eglink System (1000) Wellbrook ALA1530 Clone for sale Everett N4CY. PicClick Insights - Wellbrook Ala-1530 Lnp. 5 %äüöß 2 0 obj > stream xœ \I #» ¾÷¯ð9@;ÚU 4 ”í® ¹½d€ rÊ ™ y—üý ”DRª¥=Á`Üv•DQ\?²d›«½ü÷í? s1Wã¦KœãÕåx™‚½NÉ^~ùëÛ uù Œ°0ÂÑÿ_þþvÿöfC¸†KžâÕLóåÛ_. how wrong I was. Attachments 6C80AF5F-65AF-4049-A3BF-D4579D56AE90. Nov 25, 2024 · Push and pull designed amplifier. wellbrook. As a receive-only antenna this loop really performs. Oct 23, 2014 · Vergleich der Wellbrook ALA-1530S+ (350€) mit der Boni-Whip (119€). AM frequencies and 160 or 80-meter ham bands) with an antenna well cut at 1/4l , what means 40m long on 1. Support from Wellbrook is also excellent. 00, which at the time of writing this review is $325. Remote power supply. I built up several versions from our final traced-out diagram and they worked the same as the genuine Wellbrook ALA1530LN. Nov 1, 2015 · Wellbrook 1530LNPro vs ALA1530S+ Imperium Loop Antennas-Guy Atkins. The history and earlier versions of the project, including schematics and details of operation can be found on the WellGood Loop History page. Look at the green SNR meter on top and the vertical blue bar on the right of the RF spectrum. May 12, 2008 · Turbo wrote:I received the Wellbrook ALA1530 Active Loop it was packed well and i was quoted 48 pounds for shipping but came to 59 pounds and didnt get charged the extra 11 pounds,the regulated linear 12 volt DC 500ma power supply coming tomorrow antenna testing time in the weekend. I also have some Retrofit LZ1AQ amplifiers that have been designed to be a direct fit the Wellbrook ALA1530 loop. uk. All Messages By This Member #19823 If anyone is interested I have a Wellbrook ALA1530 clone for sale. You are advised to skim through that page if you are new to Feb 23, 2009 · Active Loop Antenna ALA1530 reduces local interference on shortwave, medium wave, long wave; Wellbrook ALA 1530 active magnetic loop review; Wellbrook ALA-1530 Active Magnetic Loop Antenna Product Reviews; Looks like an ideal solution for limited space installations. 51 Visitors viewed Eglink System ads in the last 30 Days. The ALA 330S is the high gain HF version of the renown ALA 1530 Loop antenna. Therefore, I feel I know a little about Aug 21, 2024 · There's an amplifier in it that seem to be somewhat sensitive and blow up. May 12, 2008 · Hi Mark have u noticed the different when u monitor utilities with the rotator the reason i ask is because when i emailed Andy he wreckins dont need a rotator i do have one put away in a shop but havent picked it up yet the Wellbrook-1530 is doing an excellent job monitoring the aerobands looks like my mind is made up the 330s will be ordered shortly and i also noticed the difference in height Feb 24, 2017 · However, they are both expensive. Apr 20, 2018 · May I ask advice or opinion on whether to start by attaching the ALA1530 to the A Port, taking advantage of the MW/FM filter and what is thought to be it's pretty reasonable performance, at least <5 Mhz and >7 Mhz with the antenna currently fitted or attaching it to the Hi-Z input. I'm really chuffed with this antenna. Hi there, here's an explanatory video for my latest experiment: testing the performance of the Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop against the USB-powered Bonito Wellbrook ALA 1530 replace amplifier Everett N4CY. - 1 x Amplifier unit. Žx Z7 ™N Äù+ g` Y[ á /Mg¤ÃdvH ”¿ýãPl9]ã%§|uÃ`é^Å Feb 20, 2020 · Wellbrook Communications’ ALA1530 head amp module, modified for female SO239 connectors enabling use of large diameter LMR-600 coaxial cable as a 2-turn loop element. In short, he finds that the MLA-30 performs fairly well on the AM broadcast/mediumwave band, but can’t compete with the Wellbrook otherwise–especially in terms of noise floor. I have a 3ft 12G solid copper wire from. 8 MHz, is a length that not everybody can handle and often Wellbrook. This Balanced low impedance Magnetic loop has enhanced performance compared to shielded and Moebius loop types. 42 euros charges included for Europe. I have several nearby MW stations with one of them causing about S9+70 (0 dBm or 1 milliwatt!) on my WJ-8711A. Owner/designer Andy Ikin closed shop and later passed away. I was interested to see ho Oct 23, 2019 · Subject: [loopantennas] Noisy Wellbrook ALA1530LN Wondering if anyone else has had this experience with the Wellbrook ALA1530LN loop antenna: Broadband noise/hash across the entire spectrum, plus apparent reciprocal mixing symptoms. Wellbrook UMB130 balun with the feed line terminal disconnected Aug 1, 2012 · I used a Wellbrook ALA-100M for a time with a Sony SW55 portable with the only problem being connecting the antenna's PL259 connector to the portable's 1/8 inch antenna jack (my solution involved adapters and rubber bands to prevent strain on the portable's antenna jack -- not ideal). However, go lower in frequency and it is a different story. Frequency range 30 kHz to 30 MHz. Listed under the Antennas/Magnetic Loop category that is about Magnetic Loop antennas. The MFJ-1886 receive-only magnetic loop antenna was purchased to replace a similar Wellbrook ALA-1530+ antenna that was destroyed after being struck by lightning. uk The LAZ1AQ amp and the ALA1530 from Wellbrook Communications. For sale at DX Engineering Reportedly very few component changes from 1A Best part is the Clifton Labs-designed preamp box However– A French DXer 7 miles from 250 kw LORAN-C transmitter compared Pro-1B directly against five Wellbrook antennas and Wellbrook won every time My review of original 1A model vs Wellbrook ALA1530 (non-LN) Infiltrator heavy-duty septic tanks & risers $2067 ($1963. g. I have no other options for an antenna, as I can run wire outside the building or outside my office. Loop antennas for outstanding directional radio listening and reception monitoring of medium wave, long wave, short wave and HF DX. Mar 24, 2023 · Wellbrook Communications Loop Antennas. 2021 update, I got the Bonito MA305 a couple of years now and getting the longer whip vs the stock whip which Bonito also supply makes a notable difference to the signal strength while also keeping SNR at an exceptionally low level, the MA305 is a Sep 2, 2023 · I have been experimenting and build loop amplifies for several years now. All Messages By This Member #17860 I just finished building up a few Improved LZ1AQ loop amplifier boards that I Apr 26, 2014 · Wellbrook ALA-1530 Magnetic Loop Antenna The ALA1530LF-2, ALA1530 and ALA1530S+. I'm tossed between the ALA1530 which is a 1 metre loop and also in a few different configs such as aluminum loop, semi flexible loop or slightly different model the LA5030 which is a bit smaller and marketed as an indoor loop. 6 inch; Notes; Wideband active loop antenna. Also one indoor version, and of course other model types. I read the articles then discovered the one written praising the Pixel was written by the engineer that works with Pixel. I have used it with many receivers including my ICOM IC-R70, ICR-7500, AOR 7030, JRC NRD-535D and now a new Yaesu FT-950 6m Transceiver. This compact Active loop antenna primarilyis designed to provide improved performance over conventional Sep 6, 2020 · You may remember I did a similar repair to my Wellbrook many years ago with just two transistors. I would like to thank everyone for their custom over the past 27 years. die Wellbrook bietet etwas höhere Pegel bei vergleichbarem Rauschen. If you are interested please contact me off list at everettsharp@ everettsharp (at) aol com Everett N4CY Jul 13, 2017 · 14 thoughts on “ Portable Powerhouses: Comparing the Bonito Boni Whip and Wellbrook ALA1530LNP Antennas ” Mark September 18, 2021 at 10:04 am. Not only were his products of superb quality but Andy… Reading the reviews and articles, it was getting another Pixel Pro 1B or the Wellbrook ALA-1530. mmj zud fcgvgqa vhpnv siuta sygmtw iczzuk xrmrri ttoc rtijr